Friday, November 1, 2013

Time For Change Is Now

This goes against the usual topic discussed here at "Sports & Things", but I feel this is needed

With Halloween past us, that can only mean that election day is closing in. Now while 2013 elections may not seem important (municipal/local elections...Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial races aside), they are just as important. State and national politicians always talk about "change", but as we know, change is hard to come by in regards to national government. The key to change, however comes from the local level, in cities and towns.

In terms of local elections, while Boston, New York City, among other big cities will be holding mayoral races, Wallingford,CT has a chance to make a big change, and that's with Jason Zandri for mayor.

Has Wallingford been running fairly smooth over these past 20+ years under Mayor Dickinson? Sure, but there is always room for improvement, and more importantly, a room to modernize, which the mayor seemingly refuses, sticking to the status quo. Whether its an unwillingness to look for help outside the town with projects, the mayor sticks by his same approach.

Wallingford can be even better than it already is with a new approach. For one, getting town hall online, applying direct deposit. Modernizing the town can even lead to savings.

Over the past 20years, Wallingford has played it safe, and stuck with that they know. It is time for a new approach. For one, Mr. Zandri is very well known in town (having saved the July 4th fireworks along with councilman Craig Fishbein).

It's time for a change Wallingford, and that's why "Sports & Things" endorses Jason Zandri for mayor.