Monday, December 4, 2017

SNL Season 43: Saoirse Ronan

SNL returned, beginning its 1st half end run with an all-irish show pretty much. Onto the review.

White House Christmas Cold Open: SNL has had some problems with Trump featured cold opens. So in that respect, this one was actually alright. It ran on the concept of a Christmas Carol oriented sketch, with Mikey Day playing the "ghost" of Flynn to warn Trump. There was a nice surprise in the end, with the 3rd ghost appearing at first to be in the form of Bannon. (7.1)

Monologue:  Being a non-stand up, you could have had a good guess that they might go a musical route. With that being said, the musical approach was pretty clever, with Saoirse trying to tell the public the correct pronunciation of her name. (7.5)

Floribama Shore (ad): First off, yes, this is a real MTV show. Shocking I know. A nice twist to have this featured around a hurricane. And Saoirse's southern accent? Wow, she can do it all. (7.2)

American Girl Store: (7.0)

Welcome To Hell (short): We've seen a number of these female ensemble music videos in the past, so it was about time we got another one. This one was more topical, dealing with the #MeToo movement, and stating in general that this current environment we're in is really nothing new. (8.4)
Return Counter: This was a sketch geared towards the ensemble providing their best joke or character they've come up with. There wasn't any big punchline, but it provided some truth in what retail workers have to deal with, in regards to the people they face. (7.3)

The Race (short): I was a bit surprised this wasn't in the 10 to 1. This was a weird (yet entertaining) Kyle and Beck short involving a race in an office. Its so out there, I'm not even sure how to explain it. (7.5)
(U2): (7.7)

Weekend Update: This week's Update felt a little low energy.

The first guest saw Kate McKinnon as PM Theresa May. Kate can pretty much do it all in terms of impressions.

Then (in what was a very Mikey Day centric episode), we got the Duncan's (Mikey and Leslie). (6.8)
Bachelor Auction: (7.1)

Late For Class: (6.0)

(U2): (6.7)

Aer Lingus: (6.8)

Saoirse Ronan was a fine host, up to the task. The material often seemed like it didn't have her front and center that often (which is nothing against her). (7.16)

Chance The Rapper: 7.83

Ryan Gosling: 7.63
Kumali Nanjiani: 7.48 
Saoirse Ronan: 7.16
Tiffany Haddish: 7.15
Larry David: 7.14
Gal Gadot: 7.08  

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